Saudi Arabia Pre-galvanized Slotted Channel Project沙特阿拉伯预镀锌支架项目
项目背景: Project background: 项目使用地:沙特阿拉伯 Project location:Saudi Arabia 产品:预镀锌支架 Product:Pre-galvanized Slotted Channel 规格(Specifications): 41x21x1.0mmx3m 41x21x1.2mmx3m 41x41x1.2mmx3m 41x41x1.5mmx3m 41x41x1.8mmx3m 我们拥有一位来自沙特阿拉伯的长期尊贵客户,该客户多次向我们采购预镀锌支架。每次交易,我们都严格遵循客户的特定需求进行打捆与包装。对于这次订单,客户要求用白色塑料编织袋来包装并且20支一捆。产品制造完成后,我们均会指派专业的质量检查团队进行全面检验,确保每一根支架不仅满足客户的所有标准,而且无瑕疵、质量上乘。正是这份对品质的坚持,铸就了我们与客户之间稳固而持久的合作关系。在此,我们也衷心感谢客户多年来的坚定支持与深厚信任。 This is a long-standing valued customer from Saudi Arabia who has repeatedly purchased Pre-galvanized Slotted Channel from us. For each transaction, we strictly adhere to the customer’s specific requirements for bundling and packaging. For this order, customer require us to do 20pcs as a bundle with white plastic woven bag. Upon completion of product manufacturing, we assign a professional quality inspection team to conduct a thorough examination to ensure that every bracket not only meets all…