Tianjin EKun International Trade Co., Ltd
Home » News » USA customer welded pipe distribution project美国客户焊管分销项目

USA customer welded pipe distribution project美国客户焊管分销项目


Project background:



Project location:United States



Product:Welded Steel Pipe


标准材质(Standard and material):









自2023年初春时节,一位来自美国的客户向我们发来了钢管的询价。彼时,客户正积极筹备焊管产品的分销网络,以期高效满足其广泛客户的多样化需求。 面对客户的初步咨询,我们不仅详细解析了客户对于焊管规格、材质及认证标准的严格要求,还高效完成了包括技术规格书、质量认证文件及物流方案在内的全套资料准备,赢得了客户的高度认可与信赖。

Since early spring in 2023, a client from the United States sent us an inquiry for steel pipes. At that time, the client was actively preparing a distribution network for welded pipe products, aiming to efficiently meet the diverse needs of its extensive customer base. In response to the client’s initial inquiry, we not only thoroughly analyzed their stringent requirements for welded pipe specifications, materials, and certification standards but also efficiently prepared a comprehensive set of materials, including technical specifications, quality certification documents, and logistics plans, earning the client’s high recognition and trust.


Given the relatively limited initial purchase volume, we flexibly adjusted our production plans. Relying on advanced production technology and efficient supply chain management, we completed the entire production of the order in just five days.


Subsequently, the welded pipes, embodying the sincerity of our cooperation, embarked on a sea voyage spanning more than a month. During this period, we closely monitored the logistics dynamics to ensure the safety and security of the cargo. Ultimately, the welded pipes arrived at the client’s hands intact, adding another significant chapter to our collaboration.


Since our initial cooperation, the American client has highly praised our product quality, service efficiency, and team professionalism, and has placed multiple follow-up purchase orders, deepening our partnership. This is not only an affirmation of our capabilities but also a promise of even more collaboration opportunities in the future. We will continue to uphold the principle of “Customer First, Quality First,” providing our clients with even more superior and efficient services, and jointly embarking on a new chapter of cooperation.